Welcome to Its Just TENNIS

There are more than 33 million tennis players in the world today. I don’t know the breakdown of adults, children, women or men, but that’s a lot of people playing tennis. So, I didn’t get to really start playing formal league tennis until after the kids were older and in school and I had some time in the mornings. No, not Country Club woman time, but time to play. I believe every city in the United States has a women’s tennis league at least one day a week if not five days a week.

Women’s tennis- whew, what a hot. I never knew how crazy some of these women can be, but I learned after a couple of season that there are some true characters out there playing this “recreational” sport. I hear stories every Monday and Wednesday afternoon about what happened on the court and kept thinking that I need to start at book. This isn’t a book, but it’s close.

Welcome to It’s Just TENNIS. Oh the stories that can be told I can even bet that at least one or two of you have experienced the same thing.

Let’s gather at the net ladies.