Oh Captain, My Captain

Have you ever been captain of a women’s tennis team? If so, how long did you last? It’s really hard being a captain of 10-12 women, isn’t it? I mean, here are a group of women, who probably have their own children, but are acting like kindergartners most of the time.

Some don’t want to play Line 1 because they feel like they are being the sacrificial lamb. Well, my thinking is if you believe you are being the sacrificial lamb, then chances are you really don’t belong at the level of tennis you are playing.

There are the others that only want to play Line 3 or 4–why? Because they don’t want to ever lose a match. Again, maybe you need to try to play a little higher lines so you will get just a little bit more competition. I love to win, but if I get killed 0-0, then I look at it as a free tennis lesson. Everybody needs a free tennis lesson now and then. It’s a learning experience.

Then there are those ladies that believe they can only play with certain other ladies on the team. One player came to me one time and said she doesn’t want to play with a certain person because “she is just not that good.” Really–SHE is just not that good. Maybe YOU are not that good.

Ladies, ladies, ladies. Anybody can play with anybody. True , sometimes the chemistry doesn’t work on the court. There may be two totally awesome players, but they just don’t jive on the court. I have seen that happen a couple of times throughout my adult tennis career. But don’t go out on the court before a match with the mindset that you are not going to win because you don’t like the person you are playing with. Maybe singles is the right spot to be playing, right?

I believe every captain is trying to keep the entire team happy, at whatever expense. That’s hard to do. “I can’t play with her-she’s a head case.” “I can’t play with her, she doesn’t move.” Goodness. Remember, it’s just tennis. It’s recreational tennis.

At the end of the season, every captain gets a wonderful captains gift and a thank you card for being such a great captain. Where are those thanks and accolades during the season? It’s a volunteer position.

Thank your captain every week for being there and trying to put out the best line-up possible for the opposing team.

Next season, try being the captain. Everybody should share the glory.

Let’s take it to the next ladies!