Playing for F-U-N

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It has truly been a challenge with this virus affecting the world. I admit, it was frustrating when the Monday, Tuesday night and Wednesday league coordinators decided to cancel all competitive tennis and cease all leagues for the season.

At first, many of us thought it was the silliest thing to do, but in hind site, it was, and still is, very necessary.

As the world continues to shut down and people have to work from home, or just not go to work at all, there seems to be more people on the tennis courts. And you know what? They are actually playing for the thrill of playing.

Ladies used to never play for “fun” when they are playing on competitive leagues. It was strictly league play and never with their friends of family. But now, it’s all with friends and family. There are ladies out on the courts that are never on the courts unless it’s a league match.

There are no bad line calls. There are no altercations on the court. Ladies are actually getting out there and enjoying the fresh air and playing tennis. It’s a good time to get to know more ladies and get to play different players.

One thing that has been difficult is how to click the rackets after a good point or at the end of the match. Does one person hold the racket vertically and they other person hit the strings with the tip of her racket? It takes skill and communication to get that right racket hand shake!!!

But, as long as we have to keep the social distancing, we know there is 6-feet between us on the tennis court. Continue to have fun out there. When league begins, remember how fun it was to play with just a group of friends.

Let’s take it to the net ladies.