Do you ever really know when it’s time to switch to a different tennis team?

There could be so many reasons to decide to switch, but it’s really a hard decision to make. Then, it’s just as hard to actually pull the trigger and make the change.

Sometimes, the team just starts winning and is placed in a higher division. Give it a try and when you find that you are losing most of your matches, that’s a good time to make the decision to drop levels.

What if it’s the other way around? What if your tennis is really starting to take off and you are playing on a level that you shouldn’t be on? Usually, the opposing teams starts voicing their opinion that your should be on a higher level team. Ladies are generally not very nice when they are letting you know that you need to leave their level. But what if you really, really like the ladies on your team and you want to play with them? The decision gets really hard at that point.

Ultimately, need to remember. It’s just tennis. I’m not playing for money–are you? What are you really playing for? Yes, I like to win but not 6-0; 6-0. It’s especially not fun traveling a 45-minute drive on a packed highway to play for 45 minutes and be done. I don’t mind getting my behind kicked 6-0, 6-0 sometimes. I look at it as a free tennis lesson, but it’s not something I would want to suffer through every week either.

It’s a tough decision. I think all of us, as league players, face it at one point or another. Some leave teams just for a change of scenery and to get to know new players.

Regardless, go out and enjoy the game of tennis. You will always figure out exactly where you need to be. May take a couple seasons, but it will happen.

Let’s take it to the net, ladies.