Communication is the KEY

Ladies, please, you realize how important it is to communicate with one another, right? No, I am not talking about with your own team, I am talking about with the opposing teams.

It seems when the season begins, the rains begin. So, therefore, it is so important that captains communicate with the other captains. First, how long does it take one team to travel to the host team? Captains need to take that into account. Don’t wait until the last minute to decide the courts are too wet to play, but the opposing team has already started driving because it takes like 45 minutes to get there. Heavens knows that “forfeit” rule of 15 minutes is not going to budge!

And, once at the courts, if the courts are still a little wet, at least let the opposing team know that you are working on them or give some kind of information.

It’s only hospitable to let the visiting team know what’s going on. “It will be 20 minutes–is that alright with your team” is always a good question. Don’t just let the opposing team sit there and wait and wonder what is going on.

Ladies get into horrific word fights when they are kept waiting and not knowing what the situation is.

TIme is of the essence in many tennis players worlds. Take into account how you would feel if you were the one waiting at the host team’s courts and they decide after 30-45 minutes of no communication that the courts are not playable. You could have been grocery shopping all this time–right??

Communication ladies. Talk–be friends. It’s recreational tennis so make it fun.

Let’s take it to the net ladies.