Drama on the Court!

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You know when you get a bunch of women together, there is bound to be some type of drama. It usually blows over, but there are times that it just festers and goes beyond words.

This happens a lot on women’s tennis teams. Wouldn’t it be nice to just keep the drama OFF the tennis court? You know– go out on the court, play the game, win/lose, whatever, then carry on with your day.

I guess partnerships are a lot like a marriage. But, in a marriage, you at least try to work on it.

Have you ever played with a partner that just blames you for every bad shot you make? One day, I asked my partner if it would be better that I just left the court… but she said no and we carried on. Others don’t work out so well.

There are those ladies that just give their partners that “evil eye” when they miss a shot. Of course, they would have done so much better and won the point on their own. They hit their heads with their rackets in disbelief and little childish things to make sure their partner knows “you suck”.

And, oh my goodness, be sure that when they come off the court you don’t tell them they had a good match (if they lost). Some will just not accept that.

It can go even as far as “I am quitting the team” because nobody on this team is as good as you. This is especially not a good fight to have in public – in front of team mates and the opposing team. “Ain’t no time for drama” on these courts, ladies. Then it seeps into the virtual world of Face Book, Instagram, Twitter and Snap Chat. Gotta let the whole world know that these country club ladies are being mean to you. Then your Monday and Wednesday mornings have a whole new meaning without a tennis match.

C’mon. It’s Just Tennis.

Let’s take it to the net, ladies.