Ever Have One of Those Days?

Ever have one of “those days” on the court where absolutely nothing goes right? I mean, you get all ready to have a great, fun tennis match. It doesn’t even have to be a league match. These days can happen when you are playing with your regular group of teammates.

So, you have a couple double faults. HMMMMMM. Alright. But, then, all your basic shots are missing, They go into the net. They go out a smidge. Your net game has become “disgusting”. The million “I’m sorry’s” to you partner really means “I suck.”

In your head, you played sickly. Then everyone else on the court is like “You played great.”

You leave the court thinking to yourself that it’s OK. Tomorrow is another day. You had a great day of exercise. These things can happen to any tennis player.

Then you go out the next day or so and put that sucky day behind you. New Day! New Attitude! But.. GROUNDHOG DAY. That little part in the brain is like it’s time to quit. It’s time to go down a level or 2, or 3, or 4.

I think every player goes through these days. It really doesn’t matter if you play Champ, A, B, or C level.

Restart. Rethink. Refocus. The game comes back to your racket. Your feet remember to move. You remember where the lines of the court are. You realize that the court is a little longer if you aim more diagonally than straight forward.

If it weren’t for days like this, then we would all be professionals—RIGHT?

Let’s take it to the net, ladies.