It’s a Gift

We are about to enter yet another fall season of tennis. Again, there is the question “Can I really play this level?”

Let’s think about something other than the “level” you are playing. Let’s think about the players you are playing against. We are all ladies – most are married. Yeah, well, you do have those younger players just out of college and have not experienced the real world just yet. Most of the ladies we encounter on the court, do have a life off that lined court.

Kids, homework, PITA (pain in the ass) husbands. “I need to go to the grocery store.” “I need to get a teacher’s gift by tomorrow.” There is soccer, baseball, volleyball, cheer, dance.. you name it, the kids are doing it. It is the responsibility of most moms to take care of all the family issues when they are not on the tennis court. Lord knows Dad does not know how to do it. Life can get in the way while we are on that tennis court. A player recently lost a parent, but is still out there with her team. A player is just starting her little one in Mother’s Day Out and trying to figure out the timing of a match and when it will begin and end to be able to drop off and pick up at the required times. One is getting a phone call from the day care stating she forgot to pack one of her children’s lunch. Sometimes, ladies walk onto these tennis courts with so much stress from just every day life. It’s hard to know what your opponent is going through off the court and that may create a rough court-side manner.

Of course, there are those women that are Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde on and off the courts. You just get to know their personality and accept them for what they are and not worry about it. They can be your best friend off the court, but beware of that ball coming straight to your face when you are playing against her in a competitive match. Know your opponent. Be scared sometimes!

If you don’t know your opponent and she’s not the friendliest person, just think to yourself that maybe she has something going on off the court. It’s just tennis, ladies. We are able to play tennis during the day and that is a true gift. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning starts with a big red bow that we get to unwrap. Sometimes it’s a gift we absolutely love and sometimes it’s just a pair of socks. But, it’s still a gift. Enjoy the gift every time you get on that court.

Let’s take it to the net, ladies.

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