Kiss Kiss Hug Hug

When playing in these tennis leagues for multiple seasons, tennis ladies get to know one another pretty well.

Hug, hug, smile, smile, kiss, kiss. “Oh my God, I haven’t seen you in so long!” How much of this is genuine?

You have these ladies that are known for their attitude all the time. They are known for their antics on the court. They are known for being cheaters. Still, when you see them, hug, hug, kiss, kiss.

You have the players that are monsters during the match, but gosh, during the changeovers, they are just sweet as honey. Then, they turn back to Dr Jeckyl when they get that racket back in their hand and in ready position.

There are the players that want to just have fun. There are the serious players as well. You know, the ones that grunt loudly every time they hit the ball. Or the ones that “screech” as they are slamming the ball down your throat for the winning shot to make the score 15-love.

There are those that you really need to lay on the hugs and kisses because you truly do not like this person- for whatever reason. Maybe she’s the wife of one of your ex-boyfriends. Maybe she’s dating your ex-husband. Hug, hug, grimace, grimace.

But, you also have that love-hate relationship with players. You step on the court and see her step on your court and it’s just “UGH”. But, you really like her; you just don’t like playing against her in a league match. That’s when the comment, “We need to play for fun,” comes into play.

Hug, hug, smile, smile, kiss, kiss. The question is “what are they really saying under their breath?” Could always be like the lady golfers. If they don’t like someone, they just don’t even acknowledge their existence.

But most importantly, if you are going to say something rude about your opponent, be sure they don’t speak the same language you are saying the rude comment in.

Let’s take it to the net, ladies.