New Year- New Player

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Happy 2022 to all tennis players out there.

Of course, everyone makes their New Year’s resolutions and try their best to stick to them. Some may be just beyond possible, so I’m gonna try and make resolutions dealing with the tennis world.

  • Play for the fun of it
  • Don’t be so competitive when it’s not necessary
  • Be nice on the court
  • Be nice off the court
  • Treat all players with respect, regardless of their level of play
  • Win graciously
  • Lose graciously
  • Practice good sportsmanship at all times
  • Be patient with team mates
  • Be a team player
  • Gossip less about other teams/players
  • Less cursing on bad shots

Some of these may indeed be a little hard to keep, but they seem like it’s what every player should do on a daily basis, right?

Good luck this season. Have fun.

Let’s take it to the net, ladies.