Oh Captain, My Captain

Do you have any idea how hard it is to be a team captain? It’s like herding kittens sometimes!

You have these players that believe they should only play line 1 (which is the line that should be the strongest players on the team). Then you have the players that don’t want to be the “sacrificial lambs”, which happens when you want to win the lines but just give up Line 1.

I don’t really understand why ladies believe they should play Line 1. I have been given a tennis lesson on Line 1 every now and then and I do appreciate the free lesson, but that’s really not how I want to spend Monday or Wednesday morning. If I am put on Line 2 or 3, I am actually quite excited about possibly having a really good match and may be coming away with a win (or a loss) but having a good tennis day out of it.

Captains have to go through a lot of dealing with princess players. I have been a captain for many seasons. Players did not want to travel to other teams, players did not want to play on lower lines because they felt like they are higher line players, or they just did not feel like playing that day. AAAARRRGH.

Play tennis already.

A new rule has gone into affect this past season. If a team forfeits 3 or more lines, they are penalized 26 points. A local team moved down a complete level because they had to forfeit three lines because the captain could not get more than two players to travel. Now the team is complaining because they are on a lower level. REALLY?????

Play tennis ladies. Travel if you are available.

Think about your captain. Think about why you committed to playing tennis. It’s a recreation sport. We are not professionals (or I’m not) and it’s for the love of the sport.

Play for your captain. It’s a voluntary position. Love the game.

Let’s take it to the nest ladies. Enjoy the upcoming season. Be good to your captain.