It seems odd that one second ladies are talking smack to one another, but the next they are “there” for the players.

That’s one true thing about ladies tennis. Whenever there is a tragedy, or something serious happens, the tennis team members are there for whomever needs it.

There have now been a couple of sad instances involving the spouses of a tennis player. Each player suddenly lost their husband to a heart attack. No signs, no symptoms, no warnings, just a sudden loss.

And who are the people that are there to help the grieving wife pick up the pieces–the tennis team. It doesn’t matter if the ladies are on opposing tennis teams. It doesn’t matter that the one player is not your favorite player when playing against her team. But, when it’s time to help out a fellow tennis player, the tennis ladies are all right there.

It’s just good to know that the tennis community will always be around to help when one of their own is going through a type of sadness or a massive loss. Tennis ladies will always come together.

Keep it up tennis ladies. On the court–sure–go ahead and bring out that competitive spirit. But when tears and sympathy is needed, let it all out. You are all someone we can always depend on.

Let’s take it to the net ladies.