What would your kids say?

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We know many ladies that play league tennis are moms/wives and have their household lives. But there are times that they need to just let loose. So, when ladies have that chance to let loose the question becomes..

What would your kids say when….

….It’s only the second point of the game and curse words have already been flying

….You say the “S” word so loudly that the adjoining courts stop solid in their play and look at you

….When it’s barely 10:00 A.M. and you announce “I need a beer.”

….When you crawl through the sun roof of the vehicle because the driver has locked you out at 1:00 a.m. in the daiquiri shop parking lot

…..When you refer to your opponents as “The hulk” because her serve is so strong

….When you show a full moon at the service line to distract the server

….When you state a player has a RBF

….When you are calling random restaurants asking if they have Diet Coke

It’s probably worse when your kids are grown up and know exactly what you are doing. It’s tough when you see the group chat to the entire family saying “Mom, you should stop drinking now.”

But, what your kids do know is you will give up a Saturday fun day to sit at a dance recital all day, or sit at soccer games or baseball games.

You will give up/forfeit your match on Monday or Wednesday because your child is running a fever and needs you to be there.

Moms will always be there for the kids. But, when it’s tennis time.. Mom’s gotta have fun.

Happy Mother’s Day to all those tennis moms out there.

Let’s take it to the net ladies.