Ladies tennis tournaments are so much fun. They are 3 times the joy when you get to go out of town with your team.

Usually, with these out-of-town tournaments, teams are in hotels. Partners usually room together. But, oh, it’s a game changer when the entire team spends 4 days together in the same house. You learn so much more about your team when you spend 24/7 with them. Who snores? Who roams the house at night because they can’t sleep? Who watches Hallmark channel all night?

It all starts with the drive. Who knew you can catch up to one of your teammates on I-10 when they leave 20 minutes before you? Yes, 88 miles per hour was involved. COPS, what COPS??

Did you know that an 18-wheeler truck driver really likes to stay close to that cute blonde driver that is showing their breasts (excuse me, TITS), to the other teammate?

Who knew how hard it is to moon that same teammate from the back seat when going that speed? Inertia makes the body go forward. Flesh is not fun on leather seats.

When preparing for the first tennis match, who knew that the same skirt that was agreed to be worn by the entire team, would change wearers three times? Yes, there is always that ONE player that leaves her skirt on the table at home swearing she packed it. It’s always lucky to have an extra, but you never know what size fits what player. Husband quote ” Here it is on the pool table.” Shame on you for saying your 1-year-old took it out of your bag when you were packing at the last minute.

Who knew that the quiet player that came along just to cheer on the team was really a princess without a tiara? Scrambled eggs? Crawfish peeled on site?

Who knew that when you are traveling with moms with infants that there was going to be breast milk in the fridge?

Can I use this milk in my coffee? Maybe it will make those scrambled eggs the princess wants a little bit fluffier.

But, really, it’s amazing what you learn from your younger teammates.

Did you know “that tracks” means “oh, that makes sense.”

“On read” (like past tense read) means someone read a text message but did not respond.

“Simps” or “simping” means you are eager to do whatever your girlfriend/boyfriend is asking you to do. Who knew a high school geometry teacher created songs for her class to learn about angles? That same teacher knows how to dance and twirl? Even more that teacher has a tiktok teaching math? But that teacher is a beast at the net.

It’s these teammates that will do anything for you. Cheer for you when you are losing. Cheer for you when you are winning. These are the teammates that will find shots of rum and put it in a cup because you ran out at the party. Or the ones that put a glowing braid in your hair saying “Oh how cute” when they know it’s the only way they can find you because they know you like to wander off.

And this, ladies, is what makes a tennis team and TEAM. Can’t wait til next year.

Let’s take it to the net ladies.