You Know You Love Your Teammates when…

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Tennis partners are together a good amount of time. Think about it… practice together for a couple hours then play competitively together, probably twice a week, which is also at least two hours each time.

Do you really enjoy being with your teammates this much? Especially when it comes to going to a tournament out of town?

You know you love your teammates when…

You can spend 3 hours in a car and enjoy the conversation the entire time…

The four of you can spend the night in one room, with just two double beds and still be laughing in the morning when it’s time to pack up and go….

When your teammate wakes up and the first thing she asks is “Did I keep you awake with my snoring? I’m so sorry”

When your teammate videos you snoring and puts it in the group chat between the four of you…

When you secretly have a group chat of just the four of you…

When you prefer to keep the fun tennis times with just your group….

When you “go on a camping trip” in the car as if you are traveling with 6-year-olds and all of you play along with the game from A to Z

When you can switch partners at the drop of a hat and there is no drama involved…

When you know these are the best tennis partners you have had in years.

When it creates a winning team.

It’s not often that women can get along for long periods of time. Whether it be on a tennis court or just in life in general. But, when you find that group of ladies, then you need to hold on to it and enjoy it as long as you can.

When tennis is fun and the group you are with are people you want to be with all the time, realize what a gift it is.

Let’s take it to the net, ladies.